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የአማርኛ አረፍተ ነገር 1
ሀ-ሆ አረፍተ ነገር (ሀ-ሆ in sentences)
ለ-ሎ አረፍተ ነገር (ለ-ሎ in Sentences)
መ-ሞ አረፍተ ነገር (መ-ሞ Sentences)
ሰ-ሶ አረፍተ ነገር (ሰ-ሶ in Sentences)
ሸ-ሾ አረፍተ ነገር (ሸ-ሾ in Sentences)
ረ-ሮ አረፍተ ነገር (ረ-ሮ in Sentences)
ቀ-ቆ አረፍተ ነገር (ቀ-ቆ in Sentences)
በ-ቦ አረፍተ ነገር (በ-ቦ in Sentences)
ተ-ቶ አረፍተ ነገር (ተ-ቶ in Sentences)
ቸ-ቾ አረፍተ ነገር (ቸ-ቾ in Sentences)
የአማርኛ-ቃላት-አነባበብ-Amharic-lexicons/ከ ሀ እስከ ፐ(1)
የ ሀ-ሆ ቃላት ( ሀ-ሆ Words)
የ ለ-ሎ ቃላት (ለ-ሎ Words)
የ መ-ሞ ቃላት (መ-ሞ Words)
የ ረ-ሮ ቃላት ( ረ-ሮ Words)
የ ሰ-ሶ ቃላት( ሰ-ሶ Words)
የ ሸ-ሾ ቃላት (ሸ-ሾ Words)
የ ቀ-ቆ ቃላት (ቀ-ቆ Words)
የ በ-ቦ ቃላት (በ-ቦ Words)
የ ተ-ቶ ቃላት ( ተ-ቶ Words)
የ ቸ-ቾ ቃላት ( ቸ-ቾ Words)
የ ነ-ኖ ቃላት ( ነ-ኖ Words)
የ ኘ-ኞ ቃላት ( ኘ-ኞ Words)
የ አ-ኦ ቃላት ( አ-ኦ Words)
የ ከ-ኮ ቃላት (ከ-ኮ Words)
የ ወ-ዎ ቃላት (ወ-ዎ Words)
የ ዘ-ዞ ቃላት (ዘ-ዞ Words)
የ የ-ዮ ቃላት (የ-ዮ Words)
የ ደ-ዶ ቃላት (ደ-ዶ Words)
የ ጀ-ጆ ቃላት (ጀ-ጆ Words)
የ ገ-ጎ ቃላት (ገ-ጎ Words)
የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች ሀ እስከ ፐ(1)
አ-ኦ የአማርኛ ፈደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ፐ-ፖ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ፈ-ፎ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ገ-ጎ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ጀ-ጆ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ጸ-ጾ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ጨ-ጮ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ደ-ዶ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
የ-ዮ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ዘ – ዞ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ወ-ዎ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ከ-ኮ የአማርኛ ፈደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ኘ – ኞ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
ቸ – ቾ የአማርኛ ፊደል ድምጾች (Amharic Phonetics)
KG: Language Art
Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Reading
ኬጂ፡ ሒሳብ በአማርኛ(በአሜሪካ የሂሳብ ስነ-ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
G 1
Grade 1 Reading
GRADE 1: Math
Grade 1: Language Art
1ኛ ክፍል ሒሳብ(በአሜሪካ ስነ- ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
G 2
Grade 2 Reading
Grade 2 Math
የ 2ኛ ክፍል የሂሳብ ትምህርት(በኢትዮጵያ የሂሳብ ስነ-ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
2ኛ ክፍል ሒሳብ(በአሜሪካ ስነ- ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
G 3
Grade 3 Reading
GRADE 3: Math
የ 3ኛ ክፍል የሂሳብ ትምህርት(በኢትዮጵያ የሂሳብ ስነ-ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
3ኛ ክፍል ሒሳብ(በአሜሪካ ስነ- ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
G 4
GRADE 4: Reading
Grade 4 Math
የ 4ኛ ክፍል የሂሳብ ትምህርት(በኢትዮጵያ የሂሳብ ስነ-ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
4ኛ ክፍል ሒሳብ(በአሜሪካ ስነ- ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
G 5
GRADE 5: Reading
Grade 5 Math
የ 5ኛ ክፍል የሂሳብ ትምህርት(በኢትዮጵያ የሂሳብ ስነ-ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
5ኛ ክፍል ሒሳብ(በአሜሪካ ስነ- ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
G 6
GRADE 6: Reading
Grade 6 Math
Grade 6 Interactive Math
Grade 6 Interactive Math W1L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W1L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W1L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W1L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W2L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W2L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W2L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W2L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W2L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W3L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W3L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W3L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W3L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W3L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W4L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W4L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W4L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W4L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W4L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W5L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W5L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W5L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W5L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W5L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W6L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W6L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W6L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W6L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W6L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W7L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W7L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W7L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W8L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W8L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W8L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W8L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W8L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W9L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W9L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W9L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W9L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W9L5
Grade 6 Interactive Math W10L1
Grade 6 Interactive Math W10L2
Grade 6 Interactive Math W10L3
Grade 6 Interactive Math W10L4
Grade 6 Interactive Math W10L5
የ 6ኛ ክፍል የሂሳብ ትምህርት(በኢትዮጵያ የሂሳብ ስነ-ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
6ኛ ክፍል ሒሳብ(በአሜሪካ ስነ- ትምህርት ላይ የተመሰረተ)
GRADE 7: Reading
GRADE 8-12
Grade 8
Grade 8 Interactive English
Grade 8 Interactive English 1
Grade 8 Interactive English 2
Grade 8 Interactive English 3
Grade 8 Interactive English 4
Grade 8 Interactive English 5
Grade 8 Interactive English 6
Grade 8 Interactive English 7
Grade 8 Interactive English 8
Grade 8 Interactive English 9
Grade 8 Interactive English 10
Grade 9
Grade 9 Interactive English
Grade 9 Interactive English 1
Grade 9 Interactive English 2
Grade 9 Interactive English 3
Grade 12
Grade 12 Interactive Mathematics Lesson 1
Grade 12 Interactive Mathematics Lesson 2
Grade 12 Maths Unit Three – Statistics Interactive Lesson 1
Unit One – Sequences and Series Interactive Lesson 1
Unit One -Sequence and Series Interactive Lesson 2
Unit Two -Introduction to Calculus Interactive Lesson 1
Interactive Math Lesson 2
High school
ESSEng Week 1
Interactive English 1
Interactive English 2
Interactive English 3
Interactive English 4
Interactive English 5
ESSEng Week 2
Interactive English 6
Interactive English 7
Interactive english 8
Interactive english 9
Interactive english 10
You Are Here
የ ጨ-ጮ ቃላት (ጨ-ጮ Words)
የ ጨ-ጮ ቃላት (ጨ-ጮ Words)